Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
I think Hondo mostly suffers from a lack of a clearly defined goal. He's a pirate/mercenary/trader/something, and what that thing is changes from episode to episode and even within the same episode. He takes defeat in good spirits, but its also never really clear if he needed to do it in the first place, so he kind of comes off as arbitrarily cruel a lot.
That's true. I think Hondo's supposed to be a sort of 'I'll take any job, so long as it pays' general purpose criminal, which helps explain his variety of interests. However, it's a bit tricky to justify why he needs to bother with highly eclectic jobs during the Clone Wars - which is absolutely a seller's market for any smuggler/criminal/gang leader. He could make a fortune just running guns or spice, no need to bother with risky weird stuff.

I actually feel he works better in Rebels, when Imperial constraints mean that criminal enterprise feels the pinch and a low-level crook like Hondo has to scrounge for any opportunity.