Quote Originally Posted by Mechalich View Post
I'd say Hondo's more manic-depressive than multiple personality. His emotional range really is all over the map. However, he is a Weequay, it's possible that they are more prone to rapid mood swings than humans.
Well, I was being hyperbolic, not actually trying to diagnose a fictionnal character.
That said, I do think the writers let Hondo play to the camera too much. His mood has a bad tendency to shift along with the needs of the plot.
Like I said, he's very inconstant.
Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
I think Hondo mostly suffers from a lack of a clearly defined goal. He's a pirate/mercenary/trader/something, and what that thing is changes from episode to episode and even within the same episode. He takes defeat in good spirits, but its also never really clear if he needed to do it in the first place, so he kind of comes off as arbitrarily cruel a lot.
I mean, even if that's the idea the execution is just bad. Everytime he's the antagonist he's very evil and every time he's on the heroes' side he has some moral code. It's arbitray. And also, our heroes just tolerate his ****, for no reason.
Quote Originally Posted by Mechalich View Post
That's true. I think Hondo's supposed to be a sort of 'I'll take any job, so long as it pays' general purpose criminal, which helps explain his variety of interests.
But also he murders circus performers if they're not entertaining enough for him.

I actually feel he works better in Rebels, when Imperial constraints mean that criminal enterprise feels the pinch and a low-level crook like Hondo has to scrounge for any opportunity.
Meh, the Empire is much better for criminals than the Republic ever was. They have no interest in actually protecting the people and the leadership is corrupt and greedy. We see in Solo that they work with criminal syndicates like Crimson Dawn and the Pykes. Hondo could make a fortune under the Empire as long as he doesn't try to steal from them.

Okay, it makes sense that he's broke.
Quote Originally Posted by Grim Portent View Post
That he never faces real consequences is irritating though. It's not like him being arrested by the Republic on one of the occasions the Jedi have him outnumbered would inherently prevent using him in the future.
Frankly it makes the Jedi look callous and dumb and Dooku look weak.
Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
The problem is nowhere in the rulebook does it say you can't capture a jedi and sell them into slavery. So his hands are kind of tied on this one.

You can't capture a regular person but the rules for regular people don't apply to jedi, and hondo is the only one outside the order to figure out this loophole.
Quote Originally Posted by AMX View Post
I suppose substance abuse issues could explain his erratic behaviour.

Maybe Hondo is self-medicating in an attempt to deal with trauma resulting from his life as a pirate
I hate how much sense that makes. I really doubt that's what they're going for, but it would explain things. We better stop with this line of thinking before we ascribe his stunts to a subconscious death wish. Aaaaaand I just did.
Quote Originally Posted by McNum View Post
I just want to say "Good luck, we're all counting on you."

Not a fan of the next few episodes, but once you pass The Point of No Return, you're golden until the end.
Oh, great.