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Thread: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character II

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character II

    Orchid gives a nod to the sister. "It doesn't look like much, but the grafts are taking a lot of the punishment for me." With the next wave suddenly appearing around her, Orchid braces her self against the next wave of attacks, with the only blow finding any kind of purchase being entirely blunted by the magic cast on her a moment ago.

    "I'll just need a moment to cut through some of the trash Solstafir." Raising a claw up into the air, Orchid's natural weapons turn translucent and she begins tearing into the Marauders. Afterward, Orchid catches the Dorje. "I don't know anything about psionics, but I'll give it a try." she replies.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Swift Action: Orchid casts Wraithstrike, letting all of her attacks for 1 round target touch AC.
    Full-Round: Orchid is going to full attack, targeting the marauder in between her and Solstafir. After that, she'll try to break flanking partners.
    After her attack, she will take a 5-foot step to become adjacent to Solstafir.
    Orchid will catch the Dorje

    All vs. Touch AC.
    Rending Claw: Attack(Crit on 32-34): (1d20+14)[20] Damage: (1d6+6)[12] + 2 + (1d4)[1] + (1d6)[5]
    Crit confirm: Attack: (1d20+14)[31] Damage: (3d6+18)[26] + 6

    Rending Claw: Attack(Crit on 32-34): (1d20+14)[23] Damage: (1d6+6)[7] + 2 + (1d4)[2] + (1d6)[5]
    Crit confirm: Attack: (1d20+14)[15] Damage: (3d6+18)[30] + 6

    Goring Horn: Attack(Crit on 33): (1d20+13)[30] Damage: (1d8+6)[8] + 1 + (1d4)[2]
    Crit Confirm: Attack: (1d20+13)[28] Damage: (1d8+6)[8] + 1

    Smashing Tail: Attack(Crit on 28): (1d20+8)[22] Damage: (1d8+8)[9]+ 1 + (1d4)[4]
    Crit Confirm: Attack: (1d20+8)[9] Damage: (1d8+8)[13]+ 1

    Spoiler: Orchid's Status

    Temp: 2
    HP: 136/136

    Sorcerer spell slots
    Cantrips: 6/6(Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Light, Read Magic)
    1st: 6/6(Color Spray, Grease, Shield, Magic Missile)
    2nd: 4/5(Glitterdust, Wraithstrike)
    3rd: 3/4(Dispel Magic, Haste)

    Infusions(Can use any infusion at any time; anything slower than a standard uses a standard action instead; standards are now swifts)
    1st: 2/4
    2nd: 3/4
    3rd: 2/4
    4th: 1/1


    Scrolls(unless noted, assume minimum caster level)
    Lesser Vigor (6)
    Power Word(Pain)(6)
    Warning Shout(2)
    Fist of Stone(2)
    Cloud of Bewilderment(2)
    Color Spray(2)
    Ray of Enfeeblement(2)
    Resist Energy, Mass(2)
    Lesser Restoration(3)
    Remove Disease(1)
    Neutralize Poison(1)
    Delay Death(3)
    Shield Other(2)
    Water Breathing(3)
    Wall of Sand(2)
    Wall of Water(2)
    Heal(CL 7)(1)
    Dispel Magic(5)

    Potions(unless noted, assume minimum caster level)
    Lesser Vigor(1)

    Other(unless noted, assume minimum caster level)
    Memento Magica(1st)(2)
    Memento Magica, Xansia(1st)(1)

    Notable effects
    Spare Hand active(24h, used 3rd level infusion)
    Cloak of minor concealment: 20% miss chance
    Shudder Plate: If Orchid is in contact with the ground, she can sense the location of anything within 15 feet that is also in contact with the ground.
    Glaring Eye: Orchid has blindsense out to a distance of 30 feet.
    Mass Resist Energy (80 min) 20 points of acid damage/attack(or damage) absorbed
    Mass Conviction (80 min) +3 Morale bonus on all saving throws
    Death Ward:(8 min) immune to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects.
    Last edited by QuadraticGish; 2022-08-19 at 08:22 PM.
    My posting may be slowed due to new job.