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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
    I don't know if this is fair, nothing seems to indicate that Palpatine, Vader, Tarkin, Thrawn or other top players are corrupt or greedy - we don't see them taking bribes or the like, within the confines of the jobs they do they seem to do them fairly honestly.
    Vader spends all of Episode V plotting to usurp Sidious with Luke's help. Tarkin knew and abetted Sidious's efforts to subvert the Republic he'd sworn loyalty to into the monstrosity that is the Empire.
    Spoiler: Thrawn, by Timothy Zahn
    is a mole for the Chiss Ascendency.
    As for evidence that Sidious is corrupt and greedy , I refer you to every single one of his appearances.

    Furthermore it is strongly implied (and confirmed in interviews) that grand Vizier Mass Amedda (and likley all of Chancellor Palpatine's closest collaborators) knew he was running both sides of the Clone Wars and stifled Valorum's efforts to solve the Naboo Crisis.

    But my point was more general, take any piece of media set under the Empire and see how many of the leading Imperials in them are in for personal advancement or to line their pockets. The Empire is pyramid-shaped organization where the only accountability is to those above you and power over those below is total. This inevitably leads to a dog-eat-dog mentality where everyone is constantly backstabbing one another and trying to gain an advantage any way they can. The fools who join because they mistakenly believe the Empire is a force for good either die, are disillusioned or turned into tools by the one who realize what game they are playing and are ruthlessly climbing their way to the top. The Empire doesn't exist to help the people or to enforce "order", that's the party line, the Empire exists to oppress as many people as possible, to turn them into the gears of a machine aimed at extracting the most wealth from the galaxy as possible and funneling it into the pockets of the Empire's elites either directly or through crime syndicates or megacorporations like Blastech or TaggeCo (notice the link with general Tagge from ANH and the Vader comics). That's what fascist regimes do.

    Edit: Also in Legends, the leader of Black Sun is one of Palpatine's closest advisors and in Solo we see that the Empire relagated the management of KEssel, the one source of a strategically vital resource, to the Pyke's Syndicate and will rush to their aid guns ablaze in case of a slave revolt.
    Last edited by Fyraltari; 2022-08-21 at 05:15 PM.
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