Quote Originally Posted by Maxiboy View Post
Awesome! Hope you enjoy it and the little bits of art thrown in along the way.
As for the Ardling, with them seemingly being such a sudden addition you wouldn't think they'd be common like the Tiefling, but to me it seems like they're trying to make a sorta "good" version of the Tiefling who similarily are known having ancestors from the Outer Planes yet don't usually originate from them, unlike the Aasimar who I've always presumed to be actual outsiders... but who knows, it may turn out to be the other way around. I encourage you to stick with your depiction or instead write an Aasimar if you'd be more comfortable having more material to work with.
If you'd like me to pick between a spellcaster or a more martial class, I'd prefer the former, but I love any character who knows a thing or two about casting spells. Thanks for asking.
Hah! No, I'll write you an Ardling. I was merely saying - when I read of it, I think of them Aasimar with animal (heads/body types), rather than Tiefling. Because I thought (I need to go back and read it), they were called Celestial. So I was thinking more angelic looking with animal type heads/bodies, rather than Tiefling (which I always envision to look more demonic looking). Writing up an Ardling is going to be easy - because it's pretty much an open book with the information provided in D&D One.

So more spell caster type, excellent.

Another question - do you have an animal specifically in mind?
If not, give me like your top three or five animals you enjoy in the real world, and I will spin something up with the information....!

And let me also say, never be worried about asking for origin writings in this thread! It's why it's here! This stuff helps ME. It silences the creative storm in my brain.

So if there's something you need/want - post away in this thread. Even if I had just written you one. I do not mind.