Aahz will run up alongside Highstriker. "Didn' I say to go left? Eh, no matter. Stay safe back there kid! And Highstriker, yeah, thinking we needja to strike a bit lower now..."

Move: to 15-06
Standard Action: Commander's Strike to have Highstriker swing at Blinking Light #6, (1d20+8)[15] for (1d10+7)[8] damage
Minor/Frees: None for now

Spoiler: If the Shrieking or Striking Spirit takes a swing at Aahz during their own turn

I'll use Vengeance is Mine to take a free shot back, calling Highstriker to help if she's in range to do so:
Aahz: (1d20+6)[25] for (1d8+3)[8] damage.
Highstriker: (1d20+8)[23] for (1d10+4)[14] damage