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Thread: Need a character background written up?

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2022

    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Hello there,
    I just came across this thread and just love it! I think you are very talented and the stories you write are brilliant :)

    I have 2 characters I want to show you, one I am currently playing in a campaign (the bard) and one is still a concept, but am really interested in developing and playing as soon as I can. I am playing (or be playing) both in 5e if that matters.

    Lars Wikstrom, male Aasimar, Bard lvl8
    For his appearance I have an image, but unfortunately I am not yet able to share the link. If you want, I can send it over via DM.
    Lars comes from Everlund, Silver Marches, where he serves the community as an ambassador. His duty is to preserve the frail alliances in the Silver Marches to keep the drows at bay, who have recently started to extend their raids. As you can imagine, the alliance is vital for the economic prosperity of the region, but Lars has the well-being of the inhabitants at heart. This is the reason why he joins a group of adventurers to put an end on drows' raids. Within their adventure they land on another plane, only comprised of desert and whispered secrets.
    The cultural inspiration I got for Lars is scandinavian, swedish in particuar. I liked the nordic flavour, which suits good with the Silver Marches.

    The second is ony a concept. Reading Tasha, I really enjoyed the rune knight, so I wanted to create something.
    Considering the feature "Giant Might", which is crucial for the archtype, I imagined a small character becoming large in combat. I find it both funny and interesting to see a large gnome, in plate armor charging the enemies.
    Keeping in mind a small race and somebody "tinkering" to write runes I thought of course of a gnome.
    Even the rune knight has a very nordic/viking flavour (which you ave guessed I am really into ), but that is all I have for now.
    Just a gnome rune knight that for some reason has started to carve runes and is very much inspired by Giant magic.
    Last edited by Chradis; 2022-09-01 at 04:48 AM.