R6T11: Vivino moves to join the fire brigade (off map). "Lets make sure that the fire doesn't spread," he says. "I shall help by making sure this one doesn't catch or spread the fire."

R6T0: Something changes in the quality of the fire. Up until this point, the heat emanating from the fire hasn't actually been impressive, all things considered. And it burned with an almost too-red color, not enough orange as you'd expect from a real fire, for those few of you who have seen fire before. But now the fire is "digging in" and becomes the color you'd expect ... some red, but more orange-yellow ... and much hotter. Not unnaturally hotter. Rather, it seemed to spread preternaturally quickly, but at a lower temp. Now, however, it seems to be turning into a "normal" house fire.

This "bloom" causes 10 fire to Dane, and 15 fire to Jacintha (though she still resists catching fire).

At the same time, Ernak and Vivino are now off map as they begin working on the fire brigade.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

Runa, you are prone, but no longer burning. What do you do?

Linzi on deck, Dane in the hole ....

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Runa: 29. PRONE!!!
RMA (Red): 23. (-3:162). One less alchemist's fire. Red shroud active til R7T23 (+1 dodge AC, FH2). STABLE!!!
* Resist fire; bear's endurance; expeditious retreat.
Linzi: 20. Light crossbow in hand (loaded) and wand of invisibility in hand. Red is ST'd (+1).
Ernak: 17. Earthbreaker in hand. Coordinating fire efforts.
* Harrow (Snakebite) active!
Dane: 14. Wielding Drinking Companion. BURNING!!!
* MA to stand, SA to wipe eyes free. BLIND til R4T14.
Jacintha: 13. Psychic and Mithral kukri in hand. Haste til R9T13.
Vivino: 11. Scythe in hand.
Fires: 0.

Tesh Zobberdin. Red Mantis Assassin (Blue).