Quote Originally Posted by Zombimode View Post
I was pretty undecided in the last couple of days. First I tried Blasphemous - I like the style but the game is a bit more demanding on the dexterity side than what I want right now. For now I've put it on the shelf. I will get to it eventually.

Then I picked up the Allied campaign of Red Alert 2 again. Finished it this moring and also made first forays into the Sovjet campain in Yuris Revenge. Cool stuff, but I can't play RTSes for too long. Too stressful

In between I started Wasteland 3. At least yesterday afternoon I couldnt really get into it. This may be in part because in comparison I found Atom much more engaging and also prefer the closer to reallity stance of that game. But also in part because what actually want is a classic fantasy RPG - but currently there are none "ripe" enough for my tastes*

Now I've settled on Stray. It's great . And I had the impression that my cat, when she was laying on my lap, was actively following the action on the screen - something my cats never do.
I DO have the suspicion that the in-game meows are not actually recored from real cats. They somehow sound "fake" to me. At least I have heard more convincing meows in other games.
In all honesty I have no idea how non-cat people may feel about this game. It seems to be catered to a very specific audience


Wrath of the Righteous will take about a year to be finished now that a second set of DLCs have been announced.
Black Geyser is still pretty much in active development with several features like player strongholds not implemented yet.
Solasta is close, but has still one DLC in the pipeline.
For King Athur the news is that there are "many" content updates after The Chained God - although nothing concrete.
Any idea where I can find news about the Wrath DLC? A quick google search didn't turn up much.