Name Kronk BlodOsken
Race Half Orc
Class - Fighter level 1 (will be Echo Knight). Will dip 2 levels into Barbarian at 7/8
Gender - Male

I have this idea that my echo Knight is a childhood imaginary friend (called Mac). Then level 3 it begins to manifest into an echo I can control.
Lowest stat is Charisma, and I have very high starting str and dex.

Dm made homebrew campign and I picked this area to grow up

Town name: Bespin
Population: 18,000
Majority Race: Half Orcs
Government: Autocracy – Single rule given to one Hereditary
Key Personnel: King Zludmir
Known for: Creation of weapons and city siege weapons

Also, been asked for this info from my dm. Any suggestions are welcome!

3 character motives, what strives them to act the way they do
3 personal relationships from your characters past
1 short term goal
1 long term goal

Many thanks in advance!