Unpopular opinion:
Competitive Pokemon (and competitive Smash) are both antithetical to what makes these games fun in the first place, (i.e. trying out many different things)
I wish Nintendo would just stop considering "competitiveness" in their game design at all, or just make a different game that's only competitive and nothing else.


As for Bethesda RPGs, what can I say....
Bethesda designed them. It's what you sign up for and it's exactly what you get.
Their design philosophy reminds me of Dominic Deegan, in the sense that it seems to be a "cargo cult" way of design.
Magic is cool? We have magic. No, we didn't think about how it meshes with other types of combat.
Open worlds are cool? We have open worlds. No, we didn't actually consider if our quest system makes the world feel alive or not.
Choices in character creation are cool? We have have that too! No, role play will not be affected beyond 1 or 2 occasional dialogues with racism that have no consequences whatsoever.
rinse and repeat for all other design choices...