Helios was more surprised by Lily's wail than he should have been. In retrospect, he probably shouldn't have been. Objectively, bees were much less scary than any of the other... a month ago he would have said 'nonsense' that they'd battled. Compared to mummies, magic death cultists, a spirit of condensed death energy, and some killbots, bees were had to be on the low end of the scale.

On the other hand... bees. Frank wondered how much composure he'd have had if it were him that had been ambushed by swarms of bees. That were also monsters.

Whatever. Helios did what he could to end it and kept up the attack. The Vespers were spreading out and making sheets of flame less viable, but no matter. Instead he flew new Floral's side and wove fire aether into Sunbeams. He had a distasteful moment to recognize the parallels to a kid incinerating bugs with a magnifying glass, but it didn't stop him or his fiery beams.

Spoiler: OOC
Move: To X18
Standard: Cast Sunbeam, AoA/PA 5 using multi-attack to target V2 and V3. On hit, DC 30 (before Weakness) vs Perception SE Damage.

Fatigued, -5 defenses