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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    One of the monsters - the one that had been most focused on her - blessedly went down under the lethal combo of Ariadne's threads and Helios's flames. The battle was shifting into their favor. The monsters were racking up injuries, one of them some severe ones.

    This was the time. She had been playing defense all battle, barely contributing. But this fight would soon be over. Now was the time to shift gears, take the offensive, and annihilate what remained of her attackers.

    Unless...unless that was just what they were waiting for. For her to leave an opening. They could have more monsters waiting to pounce, or be waiting to summon even larger swarms for when they knew they would carry the greatest impact. No, it wasn't wise. The battle would be won if they just kept grinding the enemy down. There was no need to take risks.

    It was true. It was also a lie. Lily was too smart and too self-aware not to realize that.

    It still didn't change her decision.

    On the other hand, her healing had done its work splendidly, her own wounds almost entirely closed. She spat in the face of the latest Vesper to attack her - her spit transmuting to deadly acid in the air - and fell back from it before its swarms could begin stinging her again.

    Free: Reconfigure Flower Power. 10 points to Acidic Nectar, 10 points to Poisonous Nectar, 5 points to Overpowering Scent, 5 points to Overwhelming Scent, 10 points to Lingering Acid, 10 points to Lingering Scents. Variable Descriptor the lot of it to [Energy] [Acid].

    Standard: Attack V2 with Acidic Nectar, Defensive Attacking for 5, Accurate Attacking for 2, at (1d20+7)[20]. On a hit, Resistance DC 23/18 vs. Damage Linked Weaken Resistance Linked Impaired+Vulnerable/Disabled+Defenseless. The Damage and Affliction carry a Secondary Effect.

    Move: Into Z26.

    End of Turn: Homing attack on V3 at (1d20+7)[15]. On a hit, Resistance DC 18 vs. Weaken Resistance.

    Current Status: 1 Bruise (9/10 RP), DA +5.
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2022-10-02 at 08:06 PM.
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