"We are simply glad that you are unharmed," Kal says, as she descends from the air and lands close by Floral and Nope. "Do you have any idea why they would target you, specifically?"

Spoiler: Kal & Ariadne
In the back of her mind, Ariadne stirs in an unpleasant way. "Your friend, the one who... unravels things," she says, her voice oddly distorted, as though Kal's inner ear for hearing her is somehow mistuned. "He has undone more than he intended, I fear."

"Not so bad, that's happened before," Kal thinks back, realizing this must have been the source of the strange sensation, before. "Air rushes into the vacuum, or whatever. It's never been an issue."

"This time is different," Ariadne replies, ominously. "He didn't merely cut out a patch, he unmade the patch, and the piece of the table that the patch was resting on, and the color of the table, and the hour of the day when the table was standing there, and an infinite number of connected threads."

"What?" Kal asks. "You're not making sense."

"Powers of this nature seldom do. Be wary in the coming days, engoní. The world does not take kindly to being ripped, with such violence." She pauses.

"When you tear out a part of the world, it tends to tear back."