Cecily, all tense and sore, rubs her wrists quite grimly as she waits for being handed her equipment. She thought standing as freely as she'll get in the foreseeable future, under an open sky would be more liberating. Instead, it just feels odd. She looks around, slipping the gloves on. The scenery is welcomely nondescript, but… Did they just journey for literal days to do… Community service?

The fingers of her bag hand drumming arythmically on her thigh, she catches up to Hank (it was really him or Cheryl, and Cheryl, while a known quantity, wasn't always super good for her mood) to try and pick up his pace, making sure she stays as far away from Benjamin and especially Tater as possible. Hey. she whispers to the man. That's, uh, that's some kind of a sick joke, right? The thing with the corn, I mean. She really needs some reassurance on that front: in less than a minute, she managed to cook up at least three theories about how there could actually be something in the cornfield. Maybe a lion? It escaped from a zoo or something and now they're used to bait it out. Or it could be the Children of the Corn thing. She shudders at the thought, and has to actively force herself to at least pretend she's focusing on the task.

Spoiler: OOC

I decided C. and Hank know each other and are on good terms, relatively speaking. Sue me.