"Is there anyone else here? No. I'll call it a truck when we're around others. till then I got give a [REDACTED]." The large man then looks back and unhooks the trailer. "Well if we have someone who can push or drag this we can make it easier overall. "

He leans against the Truck as he chows on his food and looks to the fellow warrior, Fink. "So whose army were you from before the SCP? You don't strike me as a sell-sword ...err....Gun? Sell-gun? Gun for hire..... What ever it is, I don't think you were mercenary." He offers his a slider. "What's your story?"

He then looks to the other one and smiles. "And you boy? I can smell off you that you've taken a beating before too..... but I doubt you've ever killed. They just pull you off the streets?