Quote Originally Posted by WindStruck View Post
Pushing Your Truck

With Daniel, James, and Kuzmo giving the truck a push, and Dr. Hagerty behind the wheel of the smoking contraption, you're making steady progress. It'll be some minutes until you start passing by some buildings and are in the village proper.

Running Ahead

Meanwhile, Thomas has run ahead at Dr. Hagerty's instruction. The road curves slightly. Up ahead past the first buildings, you see a stack of corn and pumpkins beginning to form in the middle of the village square. There's a small number of people, here, straightening the decorations up and arranging them just so. Doesn't seem they noticed you yet.

Alternatively, there's a number of what appears to be shops and businesses along the main road of this intersection. You might easily be able to find an auto mechanic shop or something of that nature.

Spoiler: Ameraaaaaaa
I'll let you ultimately decide where King is. Still with the truck or are you being carried by Thomas?

Community Service

Benjamin and Cecily continue plodding onward. Benjamin has already filled up a bag, even going so far as to put some ugly dead weeds in with the garbage. His efforts are rewarded with another empty bag.

Cecily, as nervous and fidgety as always, sticks next to Hank like flies on cow dung. Speaking of which, watch your step! You almost stepped in some. Hank can't help but notice this. He's pretty quiet for the most part, but at some point he says, "Nice day out here, ain't it?"

There's not much talking amongst anyone, though. Even Tater knows better than to run his mouth about crazy conspiracies and experiments when his captors are so close and watching. Most others are pretty bummed out about this lame job, and perhaps would rather enjoy the sun and fresh air in peace.

The corn fields loom in the distance.
King is with Thomas.

King thinks to himself. "Pathetic humans setting up decorations without even knowing your minds are about to be opened like a book. Silly silly humans. You shouldn't be celebrating Halloween. You should be celebrating king day. Which is every day."