For better or worse, as Vorgrok begins to inspect the cave-in, Giggles and Thwap split the other way.

The smaller carnies discover a truly gruesome scene. What's left of the retainers has been piled here, for the most part. Something is missing from each corpse- a leg, an arm, one entire head. Perhaps fortunately, they're distracted from the immediate investigation by a terrific rumbling sound from behind them.....

Vorgrok cautiously approaches, trying to get a decent look at the rubble. Unfortunately, the wall is less stable than it appears, and merely his passage is enough to set off something of an after-tremor. As rocks come crashing down from the ceiling, Vorgrok suddenly finds himself pinned and struggling to recover his breath!

Spoiler: OOC
Voorgrok takes 9 bludgeoning damage from falling rocks, and is pinned, and unable to breathe. DC 20 athletics to break free- up to two allies can aid.