Quote Originally Posted by HIDA View Post
"Sorry to be the bad guy, mate." Manny says looking back at his beer.

"Infatuation is scary because it taste like love if you've never known it. It'll get you swept up. It's the same reason... I'm worried about John." He says, taking another swig.

"John is likely the smartest person I know but even he's not immune to a pretty face. And not that I know Emilia to be anything other than pleasant but She could absolutely be taking John for a ride and He would take it to Hell to see the flames dance in her eyes."

Manny sighs and rubs his face. He's probably over thinking it.

"Sorry You were asking me about my thoughts? On what?"
Keith shrugs and figures he'll say screw it and pitch in for the replacement beer. Manny might be able to buy it, since he certainly couldn't. He takes a swig and grimaces. Following Manny's apology, Keith shakes his head.

"Nah, someone's gotta put us back in reality. And you're right, it can be a massive downfall not knowing what love is like." Keith sighs again and looks at Manny. "I'm partially to blame for John getting infatuated with Emi. Though, can tell you that she's just as infatuated too. Heard him speakin' Angelical and was stricken."

Not that it did any good for Grayson, now they'd both be in sadboi hours. Most likely anyway. He took another swig and shrugged.

"Yeah, mostly just on the team, anything you wanted to know, or whatever you wanna share man. Really curious how ya came up with Izulu for the name."