Spoiler: South Channel Island - Carnival Tent
The preacher put up a good fight but couldn't quite shake Barbara's magically summoned tentacles, though he laughed as he was picked up, not seeming nearly as troubled as he ought to be for suddenly finding himself in such a predicament. The other cult members and thugs who were on the stage scattered, the tentacles lashing out at some of them at the same time. After expressing his bemusement, the preacher let out a short guttural chant, and a swirling arcane door opened up nearby him, swallowing him hold for a moment and transporting him elsewhere.

For a moment, Barbara cursed under her breath -- where had he gone? -- but she noticed him appear a moment later, hundreds of feet from the stage, he'd reappeared from his door. He was now hundreds of feet from Oracle, standing on some of the bleachers behind the crowd, many of whom were now scattering and screaming.

"My friends!" he called. "Do not fear the wrath of the gods! See how they love us, even now, wrapping us in their embrace!" As he spoke, one of the tentacles clutched hard the man he'd just "baptized", cracking his ribs and squeezing the life out of him.

The preacher looked up to the scaffolds.

"Dear, I fear a heretic has come to disrupt our proceedings. He may have angered the gods! Let's root him out shall we?"

Up in the rafters, closer to where Oracle was, but almost out of sight from her new vantage, the woman in the enchanted leather armor seemed to hop up giddily from her perch, drawing something out of a pouch at her belt.

Spoiler: OOC
Make three more grapple checks. You got a surprise round off, roll for initiative and we'll see how this shakes out!

Spoiler: Uptown - The Jinx
Kate took up position nearby the Jinx, under the shadow of a nearby alleyway, her glamoured dark armor blending in handily with the shadows. Her psionic telepathy radiating outward, listening for Damien.

Damien had ducked into the shadows after she laid out her plan, and made his way across the rooftops nearby until he reached the roof of the Jinx, and started looking for a way inside.

Spoiler: OOC
Let's make search, spot, and listen checks here. Abdiel, lay out how you want to try to ingress and search the premises. Once you enter or leave the rooftop, you'll need to make a hide/move silently check as appropriate for the situation.