I'm thinking about how good Sunny must be at telekensis to hit a baseball.

I guess they have binocular (nonocular?) vision, but the window of time to hit a baseball is super tiny for any creature who's evolution didn't specialize in thrown stuff.

Quote Originally Posted by gbaji View Post
Sure. We only know for sure what was shown in comic panels. But it seems pretty absurd to assume that they just slept for three days. They were darted right here. Oh. I was wrong. ETA was two days, not three. Still seems absurd that she just kept them there for all that time, woke them up and talked with them for like 5 minutes, and then ran off to go ambush the Order, when she absolutely had time for dozens of similar length sessions and could have collected a ton of information from them.
I like the repeated amnesia hypothesis, but the biggest , most universal conceit of fiction is that interesting things happen one right after another.

Rich isn't going to show an hour of Serini stonewalling O-Chul, or eight hours of awkward silence.

Even just having a textbox saying "hours passed" wastes precious space and distracts the user if the passage of time isn't important or unusual.

Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
I'm still stuck on a dumb question. Why do you think any of the monsters the order fought worked for Dorukan, and not for Xykon?
Xykon was shown leading the goblins and ogres before the dungeon in the prequel books.

He also raises the dead quite often and I suspect Dorukan was unwilling to raise the dead.

Trigak and the Linear Guild were specifically mentioned as discount mercenaries hired by Xykon.

That pretty much leaves the monsters in the earth, wind, and fire (Ba-dee-ya) vaults as Dorukan originals amongst those the order actually fought.

The monsters/people they didn't fight may have been from Dorukan are: the Ilithid, Fruit Pie the sorcerer, and the women in line for the bathroom.