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Thread: Me, Maw-self, and I - IC

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Re: Me, Maw-self, and I - IC

    Earl looks confused but nods, and Max removes his scarf. Earl's eyes widened a bit but otherwise no major response save for, Ok, wow. Definitely have questions, but I'll let you start where you want while I clean you up.

    I'd heard rumors that people, strange people like me, were being hunted. Gathered together by someone. Some group of people.. Well I ignored that. Conspiracy theory right? Just a story my folks told me to keep me cautious and keep me safe. But honestly, until last night, I didn't know there was anyone else like me. SHHEESHH Sorry, sorry, it's gonna sting a little.

    Right, anyways. Yesterday after work, I work at the lumbar yard, I was walking home when a couple guys in suits show up and tell me I need to go with them. I of course, refused and started to walk the other direction. But then there were two more in front of me. I turned and saw another two, all in suits. All in sunglasses. Like the agents from the Matrix or something. So I ran. I'm not a bad runner but I'm not the best either. But I am strong. I can actually jump pretty far and that allowed my to get into the woods but they followed me. Eventually I lost them, or thought I did, found Steven and came back to get him fixed up. But I guess they followed me back here. Last night some guy somehow turned the bedsheet that I was in into metal and pinned me to the bed and tried to take me away. But I got out. And I fought back. I'm not much of a fighter and he was much more experienced than I was. But somehow I was able to knock him out after jumping on the roof and recuperating. I fell asleep briefly but when I tried to come back down all those guys in the suits were back and the guy I knocked out was up already too. But he said this place would be my cell. That I couldn't leave cause they'd be watching me. I'm really sorry for all the trouble, I didn't mean for any of this to happen! I just want to go back to work and check on my folks. MY FOLKS! What if something happened to them!

    Hey easy now. I'm sure we can give them a call and let them know you're ok. But what about.. Earl motions to his mouth and neck. What about all this? How did that happen?

    I don't fully understand that either. I remember having a splitting headache a couple years ago. Some strange images I can't really recall flashed through my mind. My jaw was splitting, ripping open and I passed out from the pain. When I woke up I was like this. I can eat pretty much anything now. That's one reason why I had that job at the lumbar yard, the boss let me take home the scraps and eventually as I ate more and more random things I got stronger and stronger.

    You can eat anything? Yeah, I mean I still have taste buds and stuff so I don't always eat anything but I did eat some of the pieces of wood you have on the roof.. And the bedsheet that that guy turned to metal..

    Wow, that's pretty impressive and quite the tale Max. I believe you. And I want to help. So don't worry about needing to go anywhere else. But let's make a call to your folks and go from there. Alright? Max nods again, clenching his jaw as he looks to the floor. Would you mind showing me what you mean about your ability? In fact.. Earl runs to the other room and comes back with an old broken coffee maker. I've been meaning to throw this out but I keep forgetting. Would you be able to eat this?

    Max looks up at Earl a little suspicious but knows that it will help him feel better. So he takes it and in one bite he chews and swallows the entire contraption. Rubbing his stomach a bit as it adjusts to the new "food". But even Earl notices that Max begins to look a little better, even beyond the rudimentary first aid he just gave. Thank you, that actually makes me feel much better.

    Fascinating! Well a promise is a promise. You can stay here. I'm happy to help however I can, but we can talk more about that later. For now, let's call your folks and let them know you're ok. Best not to worry them too much so why don't you tell them that you've been given an opportunity to work here for a few weeks. We'll call it an apprenticeship. You can help me out here around the apartments and we can still work on getting you some extra things to munch if that works for you. What do you think?

    Max grimaces slightly, I really don't want to abandon my parents, but I really really don't want to cause them problems. If you're sure about this, I'd appreciate the opportunity. I'm sure. Ok then! Thank you Earl! Max smiles an uneasy smile but with his physique still almost stretches ear to ear.
    Last edited by Albinobrow; 2023-11-30 at 11:34 PM.