Chaz shrugs at Joanna's comment, seemingly unperturbed. "Look, just go round the side, I'll let you in," he says, and gesturing towards Bear adds, "and your friend can come to. If there's a problem I'll text you, or just meet you back out here. Save your disguises for if we get caught." He indicates where he wants the group to meet him, and then calls his buddies to join him.

They walk around to the other side of the building towards the entrance for the dorm. About ten minutes later, the previously indicated door opens up. Chaz is now alone, his friends having apparently abandoned him. He pokes his head outside the door, peering this way and that to make sure no one else is watching. Behind him is an inornate stairwell. Sheepishly he says, "Okay, come on, follow me. My friends are off, but I'll introduce you guys to Ned." Again he gestures to Bear and asks, "You coming?"