Quote Originally Posted by not_a_fish View Post
I'm really curious how well this one worked. Did your group notice the inspiration? Did you have different parties (or npcs) in different lanes?
Thanks for asking! I was actually proud of myself for maintaining the inspiration’s secrecy for almost half the way through considering most of us had played LoL together. It went from level 1-10 (sorry, not appropriately levels 1-18 ) and lasted the better part of a year.

  • The shopkeeper was actually the inner circle of the kingdom. Westward.
  • The nexus was the barracks and military training center.
  • Massive walls stood around the outer circle of the kingdom. With three exits: North, East, and South.
  • The entire party of PCs somewhat resembled 1-2 actual Champions.
  • Very small scouting parties of NPCs (or sometimes the PCs) would act as “wards.”
  • The party would travel to different lanes when they received news of a particularly strong force gathering to overtake a structure (counter-ganking). Or taking the initiative to do some flanking themselves when certain areas looked vulnerable.
  • News or clues leading to magic items from within the deep forest protected by native creatures (blue/red buff in the jungle) were often worth following when they had time.
  • A few times later on there would be a heavy force on one side and hints of infiltration somewhere else (back-door) that would cause the party to consider splitting up.
  • There were some spell scrolls to represent summoner spells: Teleport, Flash, Ghost, Heal, etc.
  • Brush was basically any form of environmental advantage: actual shrubbery, trenches, swamp, etc.

I think the main give-away was legend of two big beasties that would reside along the massive river going from mountain to ocean that required an army to defeat/befriend for control over more land (rift herald/baron in the north; dragon in the south). Fog of war might have been a consistent clue as well.