Adrian Godsglory
AC: 18 | HP: 32 | Current: 32
Fortitude: +7 | Reflex: +10| Will: +7 | Perception: +7
Active Effects: None.
Conditions: None.

trotting along with the rest of the group, Adrian looked around a bit. He was a bit slow in following the people, as he felt the need to gather whatever baubles and knicknacks he could collect along the way while fashioning himself a sling out of any scraps of clothing he could find.

"You know, even if they did bring it down there.. I think down is the wrong way to go, at least for Kurgan and I. Up is more likely the way to go. Down only leads you that way. Demonic trees and undercults down there. While I want my bell and dice back, I'm not one for a death wish. Give me a night in town a few silver and I can see about helping you with... he waved a hand about, "Whatever this is. Smells like money and I'm sure to help get you paid back, Godsglory always repays his debts."