Quote Originally Posted by Sigreid View Post
First, I think save the world stories are bad gaming. I just don't find them compelling or worthwhile to participate in.

Second, before something like that can have impact, they have to have spent enough time on that planet and with the people there to be fighting for something if you do decide to do that. As an example, my grandpa who had fought in ww2 said it wasn't the country that motivated him. And certainly not other people's countries, but defending people he knew and cared about. Most of the time he was fighting so the guy next to him could go home.
To your first point, I agree and well-said.

To your second, they'd spent like two sessions on this planet mixing it up with the various NPCs. Your granddad was completely right - a cause will get you to the battlefield, but it won't keep you there. That was why I was trying to build investment with funny and interesting NPCs and a neat dynamic situation that was rapidly evolving, including backstory elements from one of the PCs. For some reason I just failed. I actually think these ongoing comments are really valuable; they help me clarify exactly what went wrong and how.


Quote Originally Posted by animorte View Post
I don’t necessarily think it’s bad, but the larger scale can make it a bit more difficult for me to invest personally.
Yep! That's a matter of taste, but it's good for all of us to remember that there are a lot of folks who don't like large-scale conflicts. Good call!

Quote Originally Posted by animorte View Post
I will never not be on board with one of your ideas (within reason). Though your other recent thread, I haven’t had ideas to contribute just for lack of recent experience with Dragon Age.
*Quietly removes animorte's name from the "Help Rob the Federal Reserve" list*

Your ideas are always welcome, my friend. Hell, if I'd had any recent DA experience, I wouldn't have had to post the thread.