Quote Originally Posted by Volthawk View Post
While they're talking to the guards, Richard makes special mention of the monsters they faced, curious as to whether they're a known entity to the people that live here and if they know anything about them or where they came from (or if they could point them in the direction of someone who did). The exiles had seen their fair share of mutants at this point, animal and humanoid, but nothing quite that...unnatural, he supposed was the word for it.
The guards look confused and scratch their heads in response to Richard's tale. They have no idea what he is talking about.

Quote Originally Posted by u-b View Post
Sean wakes up early in the morning, but lets everyone else sleep to their full satisfaction. He chats with the traders to say the following:
1. The horses are available for sale at NO DISCOUNT, accepting payments in FOOD ONLY and with PAYMENT DELIVERY to a specific place that we name (the delivery might be paid for as reasonable). Their gear and feed is available at NEGOTIABLE PRICE.
2. There is a lot of guns that are for sale at NEGOTIABLE PRICE, accepting payments in FOOD MOSTLY and with PAYMENT DELIVERY as above.
3. Some assorted armor parts are for sale at NEGOTIABLE PRICE, accepting payments in FOOD MOSTLY and with PAYMENT DELIVERY as above. This includes all anti-stab plates and maybe some sharp-protectives. We also have kevlar vests, but these are reserved for bartering for something exclusive, that's not found on the open market.
4. We'd like to transact in bulk, some minor transactions are also possible.
5. If weapons or armor are sold at no discount, we'll make our best to make the transacting party the priority buyer of ALL LATER SHIPMENTS of the same.
6. We propose to arrange the transaction some time today afternoon / early evening. This time can be spent to examine the wares and arrange the funding. Our people will be informed to provide adequate access.

Eventually, Sean is ready for some interview with the officials.
Sean and his friends bunks down for the night...

DAY 75

The next morning, Sean wakes to the comforting noise of civilisation.
The merchants in Bread Basket gladly accept the horses at the offered price - they need the animals for farming. The gear and feed fetches their full value.
The security forces have room in their budget to buy the guns, and the visiting merchants also express interest in weaponry. Sean can get the full value of the firearms. Ditto the armour pieces.
Payment in food and water is pretty standard around Bread Basket, so no problem there. They even prefer that over bullets, to an extent. The food is mostly canned for preserving, but there are bulk supplies of fresh meat and vegetables available thanks to nearby farming facilities. It doesn't take too long for interested parties to start getting out their accounting books and inventories.

The officials meet Sean sometime after that. They are friendly about discussing business. They let him start, if he has a particular topic he needs to know about...