Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
What's the context? What is this from? We can probably use that to better figure out the meaning.
I'm making another Jumpchain document.

For large settings, there can be documents covering specific aspects, and I'm doing one for the last few years worth of Marvel Comics focusing primarily but not exclusively on what's been going down with the X-Men.

I want to include a Scenario based on the recent Judgement Day Event, where the Progenitor, a Celestial that died on Earth 4 billion years ago while the planet was still molten and that's why all the weird stuff happens here, is brought back to life by the Eternals Makkari and Ajack in order to give the Eternals a new purpose.

...It proceeded to go as wrong as it possibly could.

When we were introduced to the concept of the Progenitor, Loki, when translating for other Celestials, refers to it as an "Alpha Celestial" but doens't really give any further context for what that means. It wasn't the Leader, or the Strongest, it wasn't noticeably larger than the others of the Celestial Host it was part of..., can't be the "Alpha Male" because the one time in the entire history of the species they've only reproduced sexually the one time, which was the product of an experiment and killed the "mother."

If I'm going to make such a scenario, I need to have a good idea of what the hell the Progenitor actually is. It might sound negotiable, but if a chain has gone on long enough the Jumper in question could well be on the level of a Celestial themselves so they'd have options that weren't available in the anon version of the story.

Figuring out what "Alpha Celestial" means is an importan step.