wighard: gonna tell gimgroth about your little encounter with the man with yellow eyes?

bertelis: the damsel will patch you up to the best of her not-inconsiderable ability and warn you of an unusually successful peasant uprising in bordelaux. the nobles are squabbling, and a demagogue has taken it upon himself to successfully liberate bretonnia from the nobles. the man, who calls himself jacques, has taken two keeps in bordelaux, with the nobles put to the sword and the peasants set free. it is rumored he is headed next to your fathers keep

jasmine: are you gonna keep your hair covered or not?

glod: a masked dwarf on a cart catches your eye leaving montfort for bretonnia as you come in. his clothes are gaudy, and he looks to be carrying a good dwarf-blade on his hip. tell me how rare dwarf swords are

bruno: the demon is definitely testing the bindings out. it shows you terrible things while you sleep, and torments your waking hours with creepy chuckles

gimgroth: siobhan walks over with a book, and will teach you how to read "since you taught me axe work, it's only fair i teach you your letters" she says. do you accept?