Horizon: Light World

Quote Originally Posted by PrinceNoctisXV View Post
It won't be easy,but we can do this.

"I'll do it. You have enough on your plate with those machines. I have enhance sense of hearing. It will allow me to find the problem easily. But your tools might help me as well. You can count on me."
In short order, one of Ria's minions returns with the requisite gizmos. One is a small headset, somewhere between a Scouter and Google Glass both in heft and in fashion penalties. Another is what looks like an old handheld GPS, which links up with the scouter to point the way to the waypoint that Ria sent. It looks like you're starting somewhere in Southwest England and the waypoint was set to... Paris? It's not labeled as Paris - the GPS doesn't have any roads or cities you've heard of marked - but you think that's about where Paris would be.

With his fancy hearing, Zen overhears a little more speaking behind him on his way down the cliff. It seems the girl's name is Shiv, and she wonders whether it will be okay for Zen to go on his own, with the quote-unquote Seafront Tribe in the way. Ria told her that Zen can probably just fly over them with his weird warping and super speed if it comes to that, or else he'll just come back and ask for help if he gets stuck. Shiv says those are all weird things to assume. Ria tells her to go back downstairs and finish the laundry.

Zenitsu reaches the bottom of the cliff safely. The sound and smell of rushing seawater from the portal is overwhelming, and the growing pond sloshes onto his boots. Chuntaro notices that the coast is clear and flutters onto Zenitsu's shoulder to return his bauble and add to this moment of relative calm. His next challenge to to cross a wilderness full of robot dinosaurs, albeit less belligerent ones, and to cross the English Channel by himself. And possibly visit this Seafront Tribe on the way, if he feels like it.

What do you do?

Horizon: Dark World

Quote Originally Posted by Aleph Null View Post
"If I execute properly — which I am not known to fail to do — they won't have a choice in the matter at all.. Locking the access terminals in a secure area won't help you when I can simply teleport behind the wall or create a chemical that's capable of corroding through your vault door."
There is plenty of good news in Nebula's data search. He can definitely do all of those things once he has access to the machines, and tracking down a facility - even based on this weird gaming abstraction of a map - should be easy enough once you are in radio distance of one. At this point, it's really just a matter of picking which continent to start on.

The bad news is that the machines and any network they may be connected to are all presently on another plane of existence. You might need to ask Liam how to deal with that part.