Quote Originally Posted by Lvl 2 Expert View Post
And that's generation 3, the one where it looked like Gamefreak had mostly learned what they were doing. You can probably make an even stronger case by using Kabutops or something rather than Armaldo and including generation 1.
Pokemon is imho a decade old tradition of throwing stuff on a wall and seeing what sticks. Gen 1 + 2 were competitive nightmares; who decided maxxing ALL stats was a good idea removing any and all form of specialization from an RPG? Sure rare ingame pokemon like Tauros and Snorlax were better than the rest, but having them dominate so hard was a mistake. But there was no online competition in 1999.

But from a "writing perspective" I prefer mixed attackers or slightly bulkier types instead of heavily lopsided physical or special attackers. Yes, Gyarados is a cool pokemon. No I do not like how a GIANT SEA MONSTER who can shoot energy beams and water beams deals no damage, but biting does. Yes, I understand how it is kind of needed to balance a sea snake. No I don't like how a little yellow mouse (any pika clone really) can just shuffle on a rug and murder it with the power of static electricity (ever had a Special Sweeper use Nuzzle on a sweeper Gyarados? It is DEVASTATING.)

I get that tinier pokemon need to be viable for other kinds of players to enjoy the game, but I simply cannot look at an Arcanine or Lucario or Haxorus do battle to a Dedenne and not look pitifully at the tiny mouse.