R4T25: The mental static from Green continues.

Meanwhile, a thin mist - not one that necessarily hinders or obscures vision - rises up in the middle of the hallway. None of the already insane people are affected, but someone came in with a (re-)"fresh"(-ed) mind, and while nothing particular is happening, he feels like this mist is sapping his will, making it very hard to focus his thoughts and be wary of his surroundings.

R4T24: The Scribe comes flying in from the north along the western wall, comes off it so as not to collide with Darius and for a brief second he is in the middle of the hallway. For the shortest moment, he seems to have to realign from breathing in the mists but finally rallies, and with Xin-Rithux he stabs both Green and Blue 20 + 1 fire before he continues well south.

R4T23: Genki takes 1 bleed. He performs self-harm again for 4.

R4T22: Static from Blue continues. Iluvar, The Scribe, and Bian Jin are too far to be affected. Genki no longer needs to roll.

Darius, Telgarana, as before ... Roll a Will save in spoilers here in Giants please. This is a crucial save. As before you cannot "do" anything to increase the save (like inspiration).