Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
You do realize Deep Silver is itself a subsidiary of a billion dollar corporation (THQ Nordic)? Why is it so unreasonable for one billion dollar corporation to not want to inadvertently subsidize another? And even if that was Dancey's full intent, it's a dumb intent from a business standpoint.
Ehhh I don't know, specifically the two editions of D&D on the OGL are the biggest ones and I'm inclined to agree with the idea that D&D is where it's at because they've marketed the OGL to 3pp well enough to become synonymous with gaming. Sure, some of the people who use the OGL will benefit from it more than planned, but I think the OG OGL not including any text that implies "we want you to have success off of the OGL but not too much WOULD have made it a harder sell to the many people who came forward to make products that didn't enrich WOTC directly, but did solidify their brand.

The OGL overall was a hugely successful business move, and going line-by-line determining which parts would and wouldn't be included with added foresight... like there's a difference when arguing intent between "obviously you INTENDED it to not be revokable when you wrote 'perpetual'" and "obviously we INTENDED to include a royalty clause in case the beneficiaries of the license do too well."

Like one is an argument rooted in the good faith of the contract and the direct word of the people who wrote it where the other is "well OBVIOUSLY we meant to include an entirely absent clause to keep other games from doing too well, we just forgot to and have never mentioned it for 20 years."