Quote Originally Posted by Quinton250 View Post
I felt like this strip went out of its way to make it blatantly clear Roy was talking to Eugene (for this specific conversation at the very least, if not all along), I'm not sure how anyone is interpreting it any other way. Why would Julia's relative geographical position related to Roy even matter if it wasn't a slip up from Eugene? Why the pause in "my.... family's burden"? It was clearly meant to be Eugene stopping himself from saying "my burden". Even the facial expression Roy makes in the last panel is meant to make it abundantly clear he has missed the obvious tell from "Julia" that he is in fact dealing with Eugene. That face is most often made by Elan, and almost always when he is saying something foolish (See comics 1178, 1187, 1188, 1190, 1197, 1230 for recent examples).
My money's still on "it's too obvious; it's some third party trying to convince Roy that it's Eugene impersonating Julia".

Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
Your party might have more the one dead friend or there might be a starving family who could do with the money from the diamond - a justification could be requested even if you think one is not needed, and any topic could have someone saying 'I don't need to justify X'.
See also: Sigdi using her money to raise five dead miners who were strangers to her.

Quote Originally Posted by faustin View Post
Do we know enough about Julia to judge if her current support of using an innocent child (even a beholder) as bait is "out of character"?
"I'm True Neutral. I go both ways." Though we don't know about how she'd feel about the specific issue of using a child as bait.