Now if you want to get really evil do:
1. First choose a race.
2. Roll stats IN ORDER.

That'll get you some characters of the sort you don't see very often.

If you want character creation to be a bit more balanced instead of rolling for stats get 18 numerical playing cards and deal out three to each stat (you can tweak the overall power of each character by doing things like removing 1's and adding more higher number cards).

At the end of the day it's pretty goofy to not have half-orcs be weaker than halflings, but it's ALSO goofy that just about EVERY SINGLE half-orc PC has peak strength, etc. etc. There should be a bit of a bell curve with half-orcs averaging higher than halflings, but instead you get just about every half-orc being a vast mountain of muscle even by half-orc standards etc. etc.