Quote Originally Posted by Gignere View Post
I’m currently playing a BS that casts Shadowblade in every fight that matters and you’ll want to start with 13 con and grab resilient con asap anyway. So you won’t be able to get elven accuracy until level 8 unless your DM allows you to start with a free feat which mine did.

But I’m really enjoying it, and it fights very differently from a fighter, because you can only use Bladesong in a couple of fights initially so you won’t have very high AC in every fight.

However, the beauty about Shadowblade is that you can use it to fight at range. You can throw it up to 20 feet with no issue. So you can skirmish / midline when you don’t have Bladesong or it’s a fight you don’t care to have Bladesong up.

This will work until you have 4+ bladesongs a day which should allow you to frontline fight in every encounter that matters.
Fighter can be a good entry dip indeed for the con saves (getting the second fighter lv once you reach lv 9 BS), and for so get other feats earlier and use resilient for wis. All great stuff for a BS.
Anyway, you exactly centred my point: till lv 8 you don't have Elven accuracy, and after lv 9 you want probably be focused on something else than shadow blade. It may seem silly to say, but it have too magic powers in my opinion for keep being a gish. It's still a very good Gish, and it deal very hight damage, a monster after lv 13 with simulacrum, but it probably can be more useful to the party in some other way, or well, that was my feeling.