R3T6: Lev continues to grip the brace with all the strength he can muster. He begins telling a tale of the power of perseverance in his resonant baritone, hoping to encourage the others to just hang on, but he doesn't have the posture or breath to make it work for the entire area, though he draws psychological strength from it for himself. Still, the blue meanie drifting by nips him in the calf for 2.

End Initiative!

At the bottom of the slope, the tower plunges into the sea. The impact is softened by the water, and characters within the tower are automatically knocked prone unless they were bracing on the previous round. (So, Kwava, Ago, Lev are not prone.)

The impact also inflicts damage to everyone, though people's agility can mitigate that: Kwava (4), Lev (5), Ago (3), Sol (no damage).

The tower’s magical construction prevented it from completely collapsing, but enough holes exist now that the waves swiftly rush in—likewise, the PCs should have little problem clambering out of the tower and onto the beach. The water here isn’t deep enough to completely submerge the fallen tower, but it is enough to damage the blue meanies, as the salt water acts as an extremely powerful acid on those creatures. Any surviving and conscious blue meanies thrash in freakishly silent agony as the salt water eats away at them, dealing 4d6 points of damage per round. The water slays the score or so surviving blue meanies from the assault with relative ease.

While Samaritha used feather fall at the last instant to greatly increase the likelihood of her own survival, the collapsing tower and tumble killed the other cyphermages. Samaritha quickly realizes her shelter is now gone. Desperate and afraid, she looks to the PCs for direction on where to go next.

Meanwhile, Visto and Tsyra amble their way to the bottom. The latter is pretty battered from the rockslide.

Ozzy is nowhere in sight.

Samaritha mentions that she can use levitate to help ferry those that are really bad at climbing back up to the ridge above (most likely Ago, if nobody else). Without levitation or flight, the climb back up to the top is difficult but not impossible. Few beaches surround the base of the island's cliffs, so walking the perimeter really isn't an option - swimming, however, is (though there are rumors that the waters surrounding the Devil's Elbow is infested with sharks, reefclaws, and all manner of aquatic menaces).

What will the party do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Kwava: 23. BRACED!
Ago: 21. BRACED!
Samaritha: 17.
Sol: 8. Shield til R34T8.
Akata (Group): 7.
Lev: 6. Greatsword. BRACED!
* He has contracted Void Death from an akata's bite (Fort DC 12; onset 1 hour; freq 1/day; DEX & CON tracks).
Cyphermages (Group): 5. PRONE!!!

Tsyra: 24. ESCAPED!!!
Visto: 11. Flying. ESCAPED!!!
