Seth remains silent in the back seat, though in the shadow Jen thinks she sees his silhouette shrug. Just as Jen is starting to turn, his monotone voice breaks the silence. "I'll be waiting here," he says flatly.

Jen makes her way across the street and up the steps to the church. As Jen approaches, she can start to hear the soft murmur of people inside. But when she gets to the closed double doors of the church, they open outward with a groan. Arnold greets her in the entrance. He is robed in black and white, garb that looks like it might have been based on those worn by the pope, or cardinals, or some other catholic priest. He crosses his arms at he stares at Jen, standing almost a half a head shorter so that she can look down on Arnold's balding pudgy head. "Welcome Jen," he says, though his face is hard and unwelcoming, "I'm going to have to check you, before you can come in."

(OOC: If Arnold is going to search Jen's body, is anything concealed, or does she give anything up before he searches her?)