
"I would be embarrassed to admit if I had been here before. Yes, something I would most, most definitely lie about." Becka shielded her eyes with her hand as she scanned the sky for clouds. Disappointed, she sighed.

"I have not been here before." Becka protested her innocence.

Becka scrunched up her face at Randa. "Isn't it the biggest tavern you are supposed to try first. Wait, maybe its the one closest to the docks you are supposed to avoid. Not a problem you would have here I guess. Honestly, I think we just duck into the first inn/tavern we find. Get a drink." Becka paused to think ".. Then get another drink. Then decide which tavern or taverns we are going to patronize. I don't think we should make a crucial decision like this with out a drink in our hands first. A pre-taverning if you will. "

Becka waited to follow someone else into the town proper.