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Thread: As You Command IC

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command IC

    "Heh, not a revolution. Only a few have ever seen the wonders and horrors in the upper city and survived, but if they were to release them all they could turn the lower city to ash in a moment. But some of us have made plans for more than hiding, plans to launch an exodus of most every human in this nation and leave the elves behind us to starve in their palaces. It's a slow hope though, and for now we are limited to hiding the innocent, and occasionally weakening the elves or helping one or two slip away beyond the city."

    It's clear that she's aware the answer is appealing to you, and may have deliberately shaped it to be so, but equally obvious that no word of it is a lie. She smiles in her response then takes a long beat as she shapes her next question.

    "At this time, by what route or method do you mean to exit the city?"
    Last edited by JbeJ275; 2023-03-05 at 06:41 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.