
Ilyene responds "Will do." at the orders given, still unable to shake the feeling of being observed, as if something was just resting, and biding its time. Loira would have known how to calm her down, but she is not here, nor will she ever be again.

"One of you with me, the other two with Coralej." She tells the technicians, nodding at one of them to indicate that they should follow her.

As the two teams split up, Ilyene starts speaking with the clone. "CT-RH-0027, that's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?" It dawned on her as she spoke that the numbers were quite similar to how droids were named. An efficient way to dehumanize them, an easy way to for them forget they were sending living beings out to fight and die for for their cause. Make the war less bloody. She glanced on the numbers again, trying to form a word from them. "Mind if I call you Odi for short?"

She throws a glance to ensure that R4 and the technician is with them.