"I have tried the waters of the spring, but they have not worked. I fear there is a powerful necromantic curse attached to the bites. I suspect that the bone fragments likely have necromantic magic on them too," the Acolyte says. "Master Sayid is a scholar, so it is only natural that he be found within his bookshop. He is a friend of Father Arakor's. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone has mentioned seeing him in a few days." Mahasset recognises the script on the bone fragments as a combination of Abyssal and Infernal. It will likely take magic to decipher the exact meaning, with the strange crossed languages.

A few of the locals come and join the table where the game has started. They look wary, until they get a good close look at you, then they seem to relax and settle into the game. One of them, as he scoops up the dice, very quietly says, "If you know what is good for you, strangers, you will get out of town as fast as you can. It is not safe here." He then looks around to make sure no one outside of the table could hear that. The other locals at the table nod very slightly in agreement with his words, though.