The Lich lets out a raspy chuckle. "There seem to be some misunderstandings about the workings of things. It's no surprise given the history of the Voice's propagandizing efforts in Solum. I will address your points in turn."

"I don't believe that was a mouthpiece, but rather something like its true form. I can't be completely certain of this, though I have high confidence in this conclusion. The Voice would not walk the streets of Solum in that form, I'm confident it would take a more agreeable visage to interact with Solumites, if it walks the streets at all."

The lich pauses for a brief moment as if for emphasis: "Dungeon Denizens can't pass to Solum on their own, it is true. However, Solum's army is not what stops the Denizens from escape, but rather it is the will of the Voice. The same is true of any that have escaped to attack Solum. Solum's relentless violence against the Dungeon is simply unnecessary if not for the strings being pulled by the Voice."

"Regarding your egress from my halls, I can open a portal to Solum for you. Despite my best efforts, I'm not able to cross the threshold of such a portal but you should be permitted to pass. I'm not aware of the current structures of authority within Solum, thus my knowledge is not well suited to escaping scrutiny after you return. However, if you need to lie, I can provide you some aid in that, if desired."

The lich's skeletal hand slowly enters the sleeve of its rich black robe extracting a small belt with six Potions of Glibness, clearly the offered aid when it comes to lying. It casually tosses the belt onto the table hosting the Heroes' Feast.