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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: The Bloodhunter Class is Causing me Existential Despair

    I don't mind bloodhunter, it has some cool ideas and has niche traits.

    It is hard to claim a class as good when it killed the first character to use it though.
    Homebrew that is made to be table specific will have vastly different expectations from anything from other tables or the official books.
    Cobalt soul, bloodhunter, gunslinger, that beastmaster rework, etc. All seem to work for that table.

    At least no one was allowed to multiclass rogue-rogue. That would be a travesty. Even if it fits the character perfectly. - kidding, and shout out to any that watches Oxventure
    Last edited by Witty Username; 2023-03-28 at 10:30 PM.