Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
Right, that's what I thought!

But the way advances work in WFRP2e is that, since you've taken three advances in Norse Berserker (+5, +10, and then +15), you'll never be able to take another advance in WS until you enter a career that offers a +20 advance. Being a Mercenary can teach you about a whole lot of new features of warfare, but it has nothing to teach you about straight-up fighting. Being a sergeant, a veteran, a knight, or one of those advanced careers is where you gotta go if you're trying to push higher than that +15.

Same thing with Strength - you had two advances in strength (+5, +10) from Norse Berserker, so the +5 on the merc profile avails you nothing in that stat. The career profiles are Caps of how far you can grow beyond your base stats; not a flat amount you can add with each career you gain.

Does that make sense? For example, right now, Bertelis has been a Noble, a Knight errant, a Cadet, a Dilettante, and an Entertainer. Because those are all starting careers with small profile limits +10 in most cases, +15% in some - he has most of his stats with a bonus of about +10.

But not much more than that. He's an all rounder, not focused very strongly like Gimgroth was in combat.

Noble as +10% Fellowship; Knight Errant +5%; Cadet +10%; Dilettante +5%; and Entertainer +10%.

But Bertelis only has two advances in Fellowship, +5 and +10%, and he has had them since he was first rolled up as a Noble. If I could have +40% to Fellowship from all that combined, it'd be a different story! But that ain't how it works. When I get to Sergeant, I'll finally be able to go up to +20% for the first time ever!

So we might need to rejigger your advances a little. You're also obligated to take ALL the stat advances in a profile, all the skills and talents too. In Solo games like this, I don't charge you to switch careers unless you fail to complete it - so you might be in for an XP rebate, at the very least from that 100XP you paid to switch to Outlaw.
lets do that