"Are you stating that back when these women were alive Solum was not a monarchy? If so finding a lot more proof on who the Voice may be will become a lot more difficult. And without a good deal of proof the chances of us being attacked by everyone defending the Voice in their disguise are extremely high making the mission even more difficult." Abigail states looking to the others to see if they had any knowledge in the History of Solum. She was sure she could try to dig something up, but it would raise a lot of questions, and she wasn't sure she wanted to bring her family into this incase she failed they could claim ignorance.

"That would be the idea." Abigail replies to the lich as he states so long as the voice has the heart of the Goddess they would never find anything outside of Sol. "The longer we play dumb and continue to play the game the less of a target the voice can outright make us. If you kick a hornet's nest you have to make sure you have the proper protection or else you will feel their sting. By investing in small things that a normal person of Sol would do to try and expand our territory, as well as showing to the voice that while we spoke with you we may not have believed you gives it pause as well as few avenues of attack against us directly outside of the Dungeon until we are ready to launch our own attack on him to remove the heart from his grasp."

"Going on the offensive like that without proof at the moment is dangerous and unwise. We may beat the first wave of guards, and the second, but time would be against us as would all of Solum. I agree with your statement that it would not doubt be our best line of attack, however it is also the one he no doubt is expecting at this very moment. So the longer the voice goes unattacked the more paranoid it may become which could work to our advantage."

Abigail then looks to the others to see if they have anything else to add as the lich didn't seem worried about their loot problem.