Quote Originally Posted by Destro_Yersul View Post
Spoiler: Echo Only
Sargon had managed to bring himself under control by the time Echo was ready to leave. The buzzing Echo had been expecting to hear had started when they had left warp, a constant drone on the edge of his awareness. There was something very strange about this place. Things felt more in-focus here, more real. The materium asserted itself against the warp, a bubble of reality holding the warp storms at bay on the fringes of the system. Judging by his expression, Sargon could feel it too.

The old Navis was an opportunist at heart though, as Echo had learned, and couldn't resist the chance to give a word of advice before Echo departed.

"Castermire. If Ahriman is what he says he is, that makes him the closest thing to a friendly sorcerer you're ever going to encounter. Keep on your guard, but do not pass up the opportunity to ask questions."
Spoiler: Destro
Kennoch took a moment to reply; he listened to the sound, head tilted, and wondering at the sensation he felt. Slowly, he nodded.

"It is a it is rare opportunity rare," he agreed. He remained troubled by Ahriman's appearance here, let alone his outlandish claims, but there was certainly information that Echo wanted, regarding the Warp and its denizens. This Space Marine couldn't be worse than the destiny that hounded him.

"Shame that he shame won't know about Alessaunder Alessaunder Alessaunder Alessaunder, if he is he is from the past past. Not that the other other Thousand Son Son who he fought fought would likely tell likely me anything either anything."

He gathered his personal guard, saw off the lesser Rings to their posts, and made to join the others. Time that he saw this Astartes for himself.

Not long after their return to the Materium, Kennoch and his bodyguards descended through the ship. The Navigator slowed when he neared whatever room or corridor held their new guest; he took a long moment to thoroughly capture his image with the Memorance Implant. Every detail of his ancient armor would be studied later. Then, furthermore, Echo barely cracked his third eye for a different sort of observation.

Gonna use Gaze into the Abyss on this gentleman. My first attempt of a Navigator Power so far in this game, I think! Obviously Ahriman is a psyker, but I wonder if this ability shows any distinction between that and high Corruption points? I figure it's worth a shot, if you're willing to tell me anything.

Gaze into the Abyss (54): (1d100)[49]