Quote Originally Posted by MikelaC1 View Post
Thanks for this help. I am still having some issues and I cant seem to find a "help" email for these these problems.
1) Im sort of working on making character sheets, but there doesnt seem to be a way to import from Mythweavers for instance. Im still not sure if I will be using Roll20, so I told them to use MW instead. I can get away with just making a sheet to tie to the markers but it would be better if I could just onload the data
2) I have made a couple of sheets and moved markers onto the maps and they are HUGE.. One marker will fill a normal sized room. There doesnt appear to be anything to change the size of the map or the marker
3) I am trying to use one of the free maps off the Roll20 site but its way too small, and doesnt fill the whole screen. Plus you cant work with it, it doesnt take any notes at all and will not erase so I now have two or three of these maps that are both on the screen. Delete or Edit buttons do nothing.
The Help Center is accessed by hovering over the big Community tab at the top of any out-of-game page on Roll20. There are multiple options there, including a community maintained wiki as well. The Help Center started out as a copy of the community wiki, but has over time gotten pretty good for covering things, though sometimes the wiki displays examples better in my opinion (images display larger there for one thing).

1. I can't really comment much here, since I haven't imported characters into Roll20 from elsewhere. Importing is a pretty complex endeavor that usually requires a mod/api script (which would require a pro subscription to use) or a browser extension. I think different systems have used one or the other of those methods, but they need constant updating since either one can break when there is a change with either site at the 2 ends of that data conversion.

2. All images can be altered. If you have an image selected, there should be handles at the corners and the middle of each side with which you can expand/contract the image. If you right click the image, the menu will include options to delete, invert, and many others including setting the dimensions manually by number of pixels or grid units.

3. If you look at the toolbar along the left side of the vtt, the text tool is one of the options available in the drawing section. You can put text on any layer, so you can leave text on the GM layer to remind you of things that the players shouldn't know. Anyone can put text on the token layer (the only layer players can interact with), and if you want something to be visible but out of the way, you can select a bit of text, right click on it, and send it to the map layer.

Since you didn't hit up the Help Center, you might want to start here for the basics of Roll20: https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/art...0-Crash-Course