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Thread: Escape of the Lepus OOC

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Escape of the Lepus OOC

    Escape of the Lepus (working title)

    I've included links to literary/cultural references.
    With Star Trek's DeForest Kelly!

    IC Thread:

    Original recruitment post:

    Magetech fantasy.

    You are a rabbit in a cage.

    System: d20, Pathfinder/5e based. Gamma World and Choose Your Own Adventure flavored.

    Custom advancement/leveling revealed through gameplay. (sorta xp + Zelda advancement through items/acquired traits/mutations). Mix of player chosen advancement, consequences of player choices, and random rolls will “improve” the character.

    “One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small, and the ones your GM gives you could be anything at all….” (with no apologies to Louis Carrol or Jefferson Airplane)

    I’m used to mixing editions. If you are more used to 5e choose the 5e rabbit as your base character. If you are more used to 3.5 or PF, choose the PF rabbit. If the character gains an ability, the exact text will be provided.

    Number of players: Solo to 4.

    Posting frequency: Daily or every other day for short posts, or a long post 3 times a week. I’m a teacher, so there will be the occasional announced stoppage for grading/test making periods.

    I’m in Burma, so if we happen to be awake at the same time during off hours there may be quick exchanges. Also, the power is off at random and the internet can be shaky. (I am prohibited by contract from discussing the political situation here.)

    Most game related rolls will be made on the IC thread. Short questions/clarification requests should be made IC in parentheses. (Is the wounded one on the right?) I treat IC as the “tabletop” and OCC for set-up, meta, and off topic discussion. (if solo we might move to Discord, email, or a chat app, based on whatever is most convenient for us.

    We will start play as soon as (a) character(s) (is/are) made.

    Story set-up
    You are a rabbit in a cage on a shelf in a laboratory.

    You recently realized this. Your skull got a bit larger recently, and you have begun to understand more things, whether you like it or not. You can’t speak, but words and meanings just pop into your mind.

    Maybe it was that glowing thing he fed you. Maybe it is whatever has been added to your water to make it glow green. Maybe it was one of the things they poked you with; it stung.

    The people here always wear masks and either white coats or grey robes.

    They have been talking about the 4-day weekend and your final test and impending vivisection. The last one left a while ago. You need to get out of this cage and get away somehow… it is Friday at 6 pm. You have until Tuesday at 8 am to affect your escape.


    Style: depends on player actions. This could go anywhere from cartoon slapstick comedy like _Buggs Bunny Super Rabbit_ to _Rats of NIMH_ to _Watership Down_ to Grim Dark horror like _The Uninvited_. Probably somewhere along the lines of _Adolescent Cyborg/Mutant Psychic Rabbit_ .

    Rats of NIMH
    Super Rabbit
    Watership movie
    Watership mini series

    The Uninvited

    The American Rabbit


    Character creation: Choose one of the following as your base. Give yourself an alfa-numeric designation. X43. A1V. (Have you seen _Lost_?) This is painted on your side or on your ear tag.

    Pathfinder Rabbit

    Pathfinder Arctic Hare

    5e Rabbit

    5e Hare

    A few stat re-rolls. They have been testing things on you.

    Roll here:
    Roll 3d8 for CON, MIN 10. Max your hit die and add CON score as a HP bonus. They have been testing vitamins on you.
    Roll 3d10 for INT MIN 7. (One is a genius….the other’s insane.)
    Roll 3d10 for CHA MIN 8. (Heeeees Soooo Cuuuute!, or stitched up Frankenrabbit. )
    Roll 3d10 for WIS MIN 12. (With ears like THAT, ya gots to notice some things.)

    Roll 4d7 for LUCK. (might not be used much. Will increase if extra feet are grown.)

    Choose if the enhancement that caused your awakening was biological, magical, technological, or GM’s choice. (Affects narration more than mechanics)

    Choose your fur color. White, Brown, or Black. If an arctic hare this is the starting color and may change with long term ambient temperature. We are not using albino. The only mechanical effect will be Environment camouflage bonus. The lab has very ugly floor tiles of alternating colors, so this won’t matter much until you get outside.

    Or: Frankinbunny/patchwork. Maybe you are made of parts of more than one rabbit. Maybe you have bits of hedgehog or beaver? (describe) Maybe you have split or composite personalities because your brain is composite? (roleplay)

    Bunny/fly: that teleportation/genetics experiment has combined you with something else. Rabbit/duck. Rabbit/dragon Catbit?…. (describe desired mix and gm will work out effects)

    Choose your eye color. (you don’t know what this does) This may be left to GM choice.

    Choose your backstory: (sentence length)
    -Born in the lab. You have vague memories of your mother.
    -Wild caught: You remember the wild…Booooooooorrrrn FrEEEEEEE, as Freeeee as the WIIIInD Blooooows….

    -City Caught: You lived in the park. Got a bit too trusting of the people feeding you lettuce.
    -Former pet. Where is Timmy and Carol? You miss your wheel.

    -Beatrix Potter: Humans don’t understand this, but animals on your island have society, wear clothes, and talk to each other. The humans don’t notice this somehow. You were caught in Farmer MacGregor’s garden. Instead of having his wife put you in a pie, you were sold to a lab… You have always been sentient, and Momma is going to be so mad that you lost your jacket and shoes again. The recent experiments have increased your intellect.

    -Former Magician’s stage prop. You spent a lot of time in a hat. Add Level 1 Sorcerer powers. (you don’t have hands or components at start of play)

    Describe how you get out of the cage. This may affect your stats, special powers, and class. Possibilities and suggestions: (one sentence)

    - You used the powers of your mind…. (describe)
    - Visit from fairy God mother/blue fairy. (give a hint as to the type. Maybe this is a delusion)
    - Devine intervention (pick a god or leave to GM. Maybe a delusion.)
    - Sudden spell like or extraordinary ability. (describe)
    - Sudden eruptions/growth of an unexpected body part. (describe or leave to GM.)
    - A startling transformation occurs. (Describe or leave to gm)
    - You black out and … don’t know, but you aren’t in the cage any more. (Have you seen Moonknight?)
    - Exceptional luck. (describe circumstance or leave to GM)
    - You somehow used your chip/ear tag to hack the control.
    - Someone let you out. (a lab tech? an escaped mouse? A dying PETA eco-terrorist? The potted plant in the lobby?
    - Something escaped and trying to eat you? GM discretion?)
    - Something appears in your food bowl…(may leave to GM)
    - You chewed your way out of the cage.
    - You chewed your leg off…and somehow that worked!?
    - Your ears have become prehensile.
    Last edited by jakarta; 2023-04-24 at 12:04 AM.
    General purpose Avengers: Endgame and G.O.T 8.3 spoiler.

    <The short Stark pulls a slick move to get the weapon to the other hand, then with one final stroke disintegrates the Big Bad and takes out his army. >
