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Thread: Escape of the Lepus OOC

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default Re: Escape of the Lepus OOC

    Name: frosty. (The nickname the guards gave.)
    Class: bard.

    Rabbit type:

    Small beast, unaligned

    Armor Class 13
    Hit Points 16 (1d6) (you said score and not ability modifier so i assume you meant the stat itself get's added.)
    Speed 40 ft.

    Str: 2 (-4)
    Dex: 16 (+3)
    Con: 10 (+0)
    Int: 10 (+0)
    Wis: 12 (+1)
    Cha: 25 (+7)

    Luck: 16


    Perception +3 (+6)
    Stealth +5 (+10)
    Perform (Whistle) +4 (+15)
    Knowledge (jazz, Swing, and Blues) +4 (+4)
    Profession (jazz musician): +4 (+5)
    Knowledge (cereal crop farming) +4 (+4)
    Knowledge (tropical fruit farming) +4 (+4)
    Knowledge (religion limited to spirituals) +4 (+4)


    Feat Skill focus (perform (whistle))

    Senses passive Perception 13
    Languages - Creole, English, Common, Sheet Music.
    Challenge 0 (10 XP)
    Proficiency Bonus +2

    Enhancements: magical
    Fur: brown
    Eye color: pale blue
    Lab number: X10

    Class proficiencies:

    Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
    Skills: Perception, Stealth, Perform (Whistle)

    Spoiler: class abilities

    Spell casting
    Bardic inspiration

    Spoiler: spells known and spell slots

    Cantrips: mage hand, light.

    Spells known
    -1st level: speak with animals, healing word, unseen servant, animal friendship.

    Spell slots
    -level 1: 2

    Backstory: frosty remembered his time in the wild. It was nice until the humans came. Then he got stuck in a cage. Luckily the god of jazz music saved you. What a swell fella.

    I put my character here.
    Last edited by Ameraaaaaa; 2023-05-01 at 05:37 AM.